Posts Tagged ‘Chain Yanking


It’s Chain Yanking Time.

I am posting this verbatim, without comment.

If I say anything about this, my head is going to explode. For real.

Question: The promo tease for True Blood’s third season shows Eric with noticeably darker hair. Why? —Jody
Ausiello: “Because when vampires keep secrets from humans that they love, their hair follicles turn darker,” deadpans Alan Ball. “And that’s especially true if they’re carrying a torch for a blond waitress.” Very funny. The real reason, please? “Alexander made a movie during his hiatus and his hair was darker when he returned,” explains Ball with a laugh. “It wasn’t a choice [we made].”

Moving right along.

Ball also lets on that he’s writing an “intense” Sookie/Eric moment in episode 6:

Question: I’m on my hands and knees begging for some True Blood news! —Nick
Ausiello: The show is currently shooting episode 6, penned by executive producer Alan Ball. And guess what? It contains what Ball describes as an “intense” Sookie/Eric moment. “Let’s put it this way,” he adds, “I think people will have strong feelings about it.” In possibly related news, Ball told TV Guide that “Sookie is sexually drawn to [Eric] because she’s had his blood. But there is another reason he’s drawn to her, one that will be revealed this season.”

As far as I can recall, Ball hasn’t written any Sookie/Eric scenes in the series thus far. Not a single line of dialogue that has passed between them has come from his head. The episodes Ball wrote himself are not among my favourites, but hope springs eternal. I guess.

Source: Ausiello Files


My ramblings on the Sookie Stackhouse books, and the HBO series True Blood. Everyone I know is already half crazed with my plot and character assassinations, conspiracy theories, theme explorations and general obsessing, so now I'm going to share it all with you. Spoilers and Viking worship are have been warned!

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