Posts Tagged ‘SVM Spoilers


Little Spoiler from Ausiello

Ausiello has just dropped this spoilery little nugget:

The party continues in Ask Ausiello in the form of this bloody good spoiler: I have it on good authority that episode 3 contains one of the most, ahem, twisted sex scenes in television history. Scratch that. I’m fairly certain it will go down as the most, ahem, twisted sex scene in television history.

And I have it on good authority that this “twisted” sex scene does not involve Eric.

Just sayin’.

This was also…intriguing:

What if I told you that at least three major characters will be shot in the forehead early in the season? What if I also told you there was a catch?


* * * * * * * *

UPDATE: Yes, I am aware that stills of this scene have been posted elsewhere online so ya’ll can stop emailing me. These pictures are unauthorised and were posted against the wishes of the person who took them. The site admins are refusing to pull them down.

Aren’t fan wars fun.

We won’t be commenting on these images further here, or linking to the pics.

Thanks, SVB.


Another Advance Review of Dead in the Family has just posted a great review of Dead in the Family, due out on May 4th.

The buzz for this book is really building now, fuelled by lots of positive reviews.

There are a few interesting tidbits in this review – including the revelation that Debbie Pelt’s body shows up in Sookie’s woods (good job at hiding that body, Eric), as well as this intriguing little teaser:

…Her usual vampire issues are soon superceded by a new one in the form of Eric’s maker, Appius Livius Ocella, and his newest child, Alexei Romanov, who arrive at Sookie’s house most unexpectedly. As Eric struggles with his family conflicts, Sookie sees a new side to her Viking—one that will forever change how she perceives him.

I’ve read alot of spoilers and reviews for Dead in the Family – some of which are too spoilery to post – and all of them seem to indicate that Sookie is going to finally get through a whole book without having her arse kicked. And for that I am glad.

Sookie is understandably more cautious and less trusting now, but she is still willing to take some risks to help those she cares about—and fortunately this time she doesn’t suffer greatly as a result.

Read the full review here.


Dead in the Family full chapter 1 in DAG Paperback!

Before I start this post, I’m going to do something I have never done before on this blog.

MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The paperback version of Dead and Gone was released in the US yesterday – and it includes the FULL first chapter of Dead in the Family.

You can read it at the Unread Reader.

Hold onto your hats because this is HUGE.

* Eric’s whereabouts during Sookie’s torture explained

* Eric FINALLY admits he loves Sookie and tells her to her face

* Eric could feel everything Sookie was experiencing through the bond

* Eric cries. HE FUCKING CRIES.

Here’s a little teaser: “I hurt with you. I bled with you – not only because we’re bonded, but because of the love I have for you.”

What are you still doing here? Go read it!!!!


Nom Nom Nom….What happened to your neck, Sook?

Awww…True Blood Sookie’s first visit to the hospital. This is a sentimental moment!


Why does she have multiple wounds…ON HER NECK.

Vampire attack?

Starved, tortured, out of control vampire attack perhaps?

You can clearly see the third finger on each hand – and the engagement ring is gone (thanks Dwimordene).

More Photos:


Dead in the Family Spoilers – Publishers Weekly

Well looky here.

Publishers Weekly – Dead in the Family – Charlaine Harris.

Still reeling from the deaths of her fairy cousin, Claudine, and many others in 2009’s Dead and Gone, Sookie Stackhouse struggles with paranormal politics in her entertaining if slow-moving 10th outing. When Claudine’s triplet, Claude, appears at her doorstep, Sookie reluctantly allows him to move in. The government threatens two-natures with mandatory registration, and tensions run high in the local Were pack. Then Eric’s maker, a Roman named Appius Livius Ocella, arrives without warning, bringing along Alexei Romanov, whom he rescued from the Bolsheviks and turned into a vampire. Though the action often builds too slowly, the exploration of family in its many human and undead variations is intriguing, and Harris delivers her usual mix of eccentric characters and engaging subplots. (May)

Claude is benign, so we can stop stressing about that. Amelia moves out – gay, fae stripper cousin moves in. No idea where this going…but it will most likely end with Sookie getting the crap beat out of her again.

Eric’s “brother” has a name and a background (Alexei Romanov is a historical figure, a la Bubba – I am digging on him as we speak), and we also have some dirt on what Alcide might want from Sookie.

And there’s “subplot” now? Gee I thought this series was just popcorn and fluff.

Six weeks to go and I’m getting ANTSY!

Source: Publishers Weekly


Dead in the Family – Official Synopsis is finally out!

From Amazon US – verified on Charlaine Harris’ site as the official synopsis for Dead in the Family, due out in early May.

After enduring torture and the loss of loved ones during the brief but deadly Faery War, Sookie Stackhouse is hurt and she’s angry. Just about the only bright spot in her life is the love she thinks she feels for vampire Eric Northman. But he’s under scrutiny by the new Vampire King because of their relationship. And as the political implications of the Shifters coming out are beginning to be felt, Sookie’s connection to the Shreveport pack draws her into the debate. Worst of all, though the door to Faery has been closed, there are still some Fae on the human side-and one of them is angry at Sookie. Very, very angry…

Oh I KNEW FDC was going to start getting pissy in this book!

Interestingly, no mention of Appius. Perhaps not as a big a role as we thought?



Dead in the Family – Sneak Peek of Book 10 is Up!

Chapter 1 of Dead in the Family is now up on Charlaine Harris’ site

*Trying desperately not to hyperventilate here*

I don’t normally worry about spoilers being splashed about – but since the book is still six months away we’ll keep discussion to the comments. Just so that no one accidentally reads anything here on the main page that they didn’t want to see.

I’m off to read (squeee!). When I’m done I’ll update this post in the comments.


Dead in the Family – Cover Art

The cover art for Dead in the Family has hit the interwebs!

It’s not up on Charlaine’s site yet, but from what I can ascertain this seems to have been leaked by her publisher.

So – we have a red rose, front and centre. The red rose of course is most commonly associated with true love. Interestingly, it is also symbolic of respect, and the recognition of courage. Both courage and respect are a constant thread running through Sookie and Eric’s relationship – and this was never more evident than it was by the end of Dead and Gone.

The rose shows two stems entwined, leading into one single bloom. Eric and Sookie’s lives have been entwined for such a long time now and the thorns are interesting too, since that attachment has never been easy for either of them. Are they finally heading in the same direction?

We already know that there’s going to be trouble for Sookie and Eric in this book – the arrival of Eric’s maker Appius, and the discovery of Debbie Pelt’s body practically guarantee it. And of course the reappearance of Alcide, who somehow always means trouble and at least one good bashing – usually of Sookie. Even granting all of that, this cover gives me hope that perhaps – finally – Sookie is going to be willing to allow Eric into her life as a partner and an equal. They’re reaching out for eachother and Eric almost looks as though he’s smiling. Pleeeaase let this happen Charlaine. Don’t make us beg. He has waited SO long and he’s shown the patience of a godamn saint. They deserve it.

I’ve suspected for a while based on spoilers that Sookie may spend some time at Eric’s house in this book – finally accepting after the fae war that perhaps a bit of protection is not such a bad idea in the aftermath. Eric has already offered this to her willingly, and looking at this cover the possibility that Sookie might start to see some sense in Eric’s offer is becoming a little more tangible to me.

I am squeeing here. Tingling right down to my E/S shipper toes.

I might also like to take a self-indulgent moment to reflect on the fact that Bill/Sookie shippers are probably spitting blood, as we speak. Many are convinced that Sookie fell in love with Bill again at the end of DAG, and that the spoilers for DITF about an E/S relationship were either exaggerated or a hoax. For six months we’ve had to cop the most vehement Eric bashing, made worse with the True Blood crowd getting in on the act as well.

Well look at that cover.

They can all kiss my Viking-wench ass.



Book 10 – Dead in the Family News

Charlaine Harris has just confirmed on her forum that the first chapter of Dead in the Family will be up on her website some time in the next 10 days. Dead in the Family is the tenth book in the Southern Vampire Mysteries series, and is due for release in early May 2010.

Harris traditionally releases the cover art and the first chapter of her next book for fans in December of each year. The covers always drop clues to key scenes in the book so I’m itching to see it. Harris recently revealed on her blog that the next cover is “sparkly” and sapphire blue “like Eric’s eyes”. [Me thinks after everything she’s said about Eric lately she is grovelling in our direction. She kills me].

Ms Harris,
Is there going to be any “formal” acceptance from Sookie that she and Eric are married? I know that she stated that the ceremony she and Eric had she and the state of LA do not recognize it but I was just wondering if she does accept it.


2009-12-09 06:28

You know you’re going to have to wait until the next book to find out more about Sookie’s reaction to the marriage. And I’ll put up the beginning of the next book within the next week and a half. The question about the timing of the next book is harder to answer, since the first pages of it skip over several weeks, hitting down every now and then.

Charlaine Harris

I’ve been checking her site religiously every day since late November – to finally have confirmation of a date has made my day. We’re going to be raking over this thing with a microscope for days probably! Sounds like fun? Oh yes.


Book 10 Dead in the Family – NEW Blurb!

So we’ve all read the publishers blurb for Dead in the Family leaked a couple of months back…and now we have a new one!

This little gem has turned up on Amazon UK.

If you think your family relationships are complicated, think again: you haven’t seen anything like the ones in Bon Temps, Louisiana. Sookie Stackhouse is dealing with a whole host of family problems, ranging from her own kin (a non-human fairy and a telepathic second cousin) demanding a place in her life, to her lover Eric’s vampire sire, an ancient being who arrives with Eric’s ‘brother’ in tow at a most inopportune moment. And Sookie’s tracking down a distant relation of her ailing neighbour (and ex), Vampire Bill Compton. In addition to the multitude of family issues complicating her life, the werewolf pack of Shreveport has asked Sookie for a special favour, and since Sookie is an obliging young woman, she agrees. But this favour for the wolves has dire results for Sookie, who is still recovering from the trauma of her abduction during the Fairy War.

Where do we start? Let’s break this baby down a bit.

Sookie Stackhouse is dealing with a whole host of family problems, ranging from her own kin (a non-human fairy and a telepathic second cousin) demanding a place in her life…

It looks as though Dermot will be making an appearance – he is Sookie’s fae kin through Niall, and was left unaccounted for at the end of Dead and Gone when Niall closed off the faery portal. The references in the last blurb to “strange visitors lurking in the woods” and distant relatives showing up had me leaning towards Dermot anyway. But Hunter? That’s kind of a surprise, I didn’t expect that he’d play a role just yet. Then again, if speculation about Hunter is correct and he is indeed the Substitute Teacup destined to be with his Aunt Sookie by the end of the series, it’s probably time to start laying the groundwork for a relationship.

And Sookie’s tracking down a distant relation of her ailing neighbour (and ex), Vampire Bill Compton.

I’d been sure that the last blurb implied that Bill would need the help of another vampire sired by Lorena (“a blood sibling”) to recover from the silver poisoning he sustained at the end of Dead and Gone. I guess the wording here still doesn’t discount that theory – it is certainly not outside of Sookie’s resources to track down another vampire – but to me it’s sounding more like a human now. There’s always the Bellefleur’s of course, but they don’t need to be tracked down since they are always annoyingly right under Sookie’s nose. I need to think on this one some more, I’m still feeling that it’s another vampire needed to cure Bill.

…the werewolf pack of Shreveport has asked Sookie for a special favour, and since Sookie is an obliging young woman, she agrees. But this favour for the wolves has dire results for Sookie, who is still recovering from the trauma of her abduction during the Fairy War.

So this has something to do with that user-extraordinaire and all round pain in the arse Alcide, now leader of the Shreveport pack. It’s a fair bet this “favour” will be somehow related to his psycho ex-girlfriend Debbie Pelt’s carcass finally being found – CH mentioned on her blog a few months back that Debbie would be found in DITF. Perhaps the Shreveport pack have asked for Sookie’s help with something unrelated, inadvertently leading to the discovery of the body. That’s got to have “dire consequences” for Sookie, since she blew Debbie’s head off with a shotgun in her kitchen before having amnesiac Eric dispose of her in locations unknown. Or else she just gets bashed up. Again. After all, it wouldn’t be a Sookie book without our girl copping at least one good hiding at the hands of some demented supe.

.…her lover Eric’s vampire sire, an ancient being who arrives with Eric’s ‘brother’ in tow at a most inopportune moment.

So we already knew Appius was going to arrive to mess with Eric, and now we know he will have shitty timing. Dealing with a murder investigation might see Sookie, and to a lesser extent Eric slightly distracted for a while. Sounds like an “inopportune moment” for Appius to show up to me. I think that Appius has been called in by Felipe de Castro to distract Eric and pull his head in a bit, but that is another post and I’ll get to it soon. I’m absolutely *dying* to see how this “brother” is going to play out – you just know he is here for no other reason than to interfere with Eric via Sookie.

But I warn you now Appius, this “inopportune moment” had better not arrive in the middle of our promised E/S sex scene. Or I will stake you myself.

What do you think? I seriously cannot wait to read this book. May is too far away.


My ramblings on the Sookie Stackhouse books, and the HBO series True Blood. Everyone I know is already half crazed with my plot and character assassinations, conspiracy theories, theme explorations and general obsessing, so now I'm going to share it all with you. Spoilers and Viking worship are have been warned!

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